May 19, 2015

If you’re one of those people who isn’t eager to get behind the wheel, you’re not alone. Thousands of people have some form of anxiety about driving. For most, it surrounds the idea of what could happen and trying to deal with other drivers. If this sounds like you, Clinton Honda, your Phillipsburg Area Honda dealer, has a few tips for you.



One of the major components to driving anxiety is other drivers. It may seem obvious, but one of the first things you can do is to avoid peak travel times for others. Leaving earlier or later than most can make your entire trip a lot less stressful.



Similar to timing, many people get stressed when they’re going somewhere new or to a place like a city they don’t usually drive in. One of the best ways to combat this is extensive preparation in terms of directions, construction delays, even weather reports can decrease stress. While a GPS can solve a lot of this, having a voice dictating directions may not be the answer.


Authority in the Car

If you’re the type who gets anxious with other people in the car, be sure to take control of your vehicle as long as you’re behind the wheel. Take the time you need to adjust everything to your liking and, if excess noise or distractions set you on edge, ask your passengers to help you out and refrain from too much chatter or music.


Exercises to Try

Along the way, remember to breathe deeply if you find yourself getting tense. Pull off if necessary and roll your shoulders and neck to relieve some of the tension. Finally, try to imagine your trip one step at a time instead of thinking about the entirety all at once.