Archive for 'Honda Innovation Somerville NJ' Category
Jan 18, 2017

In recent years, the importance of technology in vehicles has become an expected luxury and even in some cases, a matter of safety. More and more of our Annandale, Clinton, Somerville, NJ; and Easton, PA customers expect their vehicle to sync with their smart phones and provide visual assistance in the places they can’t see […]

Oct 13, 2016

Recently, at the Paris Motor Show, Honda released a concept model that is as unique as its customers. They revealed a mostly 3D-printed, customizable electric vehicle that intends to offer customers a vehicle that can be exactly what they need. This idea could mean big things for the automotive industry as a whole. Elderly drivers […]

Oct 8, 2015

Honda has recently announced the “Green Path” approach which includes several initiatives that will help the company reach a voluntary goal to reduce its total GHG emissions by 50 percent by the year 2050. Some of the implementations and guidelines Honda plans to use to achieve this goal includes: Reduce or eliminate the use of […]