Nov 29, 2016


Tis’ the season for the cold and flu! And if you’re someone that always keeps their hand sanitizer with them and maybe even a sanitizing wet-nap or two, we have one question for you:

When is the last time you cleaned your steering wheel?

Now, don’t panic! Just because all of the germs you collect throughout the day are building a small colony on the part of your vehicle you touch every time you’re in it, doesn’t mean all is lost! We’re here to make sure you’re cleaning your steering wheel regularly and properly.

If you’re someone that keeps things pretty cleanly already, you don’t have too much work ahead of you. All you need is some interior cleaner and a microfiber towel. Spray the cleaner directly onto the towel to avoid it getting in places you don’t want it, and wipe in a 360-degree motion.

Have a little more filth than the average driver? Then you might want to get an interior scrub pad. Do one section at time and scrub lightly so no color is removed. You can also use a three-to-one water to all-purpose cleaner mix to get rid of body oil build up.

Other helpful hints:

  • Rotate the towel to avoid recontaminating where you’ve cleaned
  • Use a toothbrush for any stitching
  • If you have a steam machine, use it’s antibacterial capabilities
  • Don’t wash your work towel with your normal laundry to avoid oil and chemical stains.

Staff, Autoblog. “How to Clean Your Steering Wheel | Autoblog Details.Autoblog. N.p., 17 June 2016. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.